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Meet Dr. Kamela Kraemer, DC

My Story

As a child, gymnastics was my passion; little did I know that that passion would create an injury which would lead me to my future career years later. When I was 8 years old I saw a chiropractor for the first time. It was fascinating to me how I could walk out of an appointment and instantly feel better, my ailment cured. That same chiropractor helped me through my years of gymnastics injuries, cheerleading falls, and ultimately kept me feeling my best at all times.


Twelve years later, I was in college majoring in BioHealth Sciences and was a little conflicted on what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I always knew I had a passion for the medical field and had a calling to help people. On a whim, I decided to go shadow my chiropractor. After my first day, that same feeling from when I was 8 years old came rushing back; I was still amazed at the healing power just one session held for any patient. I wanted to be able to provide this instant relief to patients and to help them to live a healthy lifestyle, and so began my journey to becoming a chiropractor. 


Growing up, I called Kennewick, Washington home, but Oregon stole my heart when I made the decision to go to Oregon State University. Following my time at OSU, I attended the University of Western States where I obtained my Bachelors in Human Biology and my Doctor of Chiropractic. During my time at the University of Western States I completed my preceptorship at Hartwell Chiropractic where I practiced for 3 years. Dr. Jeff Hartwell, DC, was an exceptional mentor whose guidance was instrumental in shaping my professional trajectory. Under his mentorship, I cultivated a profound appreciation for diagnostics and the significance of identifying the underlying cause of patients' concerns. His emphasis on thorough assessment and appropriate referrals instilled in me a dedication to delivering comprehensive, patient-centered care. Dr. Hartwell's mentorship not only enhanced my clinical skills but also fostered a deep sense of responsibility towards providing optimal care for each individual. 


In 2020, I made the move to purchase Valley Chiropractic in Molalla. In coming to Molalla my aim was simple: to offer the community a more holistic approach to chiropractic care. I wanted people to understand that chiropractic isn't just about adjustments; it's about addressing various health concerns like sciatica, sports injuries, prenatal care through adjustments, nutrition, therapeutic exercise and a whole body approach.


I'm grateful for the fantastic team of providers and staff who work alongside me. Together, we're committed to providing practical, comprehensive care to our patients.

In my free time, you'll often find me immersed in the joys of family life on our farm. With a loving husband Josh, a son named Kasey, and a lively mix of horses and dogs, there's never a dull moment. Whether it's the excitement of team roping, the simple pleasures of playing with our dogs, or cherishing moments with my son, my hobbies revolve around the bonds we share and the adventures we embark upon together.  I look forward to helping you heal and live a healthy, active, and pain-free lifestyle! 

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